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In cases in a sentence

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Sentence count:216+4Posted:2018-11-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: incasein caseencasecasesencasedin case ofjust in caseencasement
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31 Even in cases where transplants manage to take root, the results are not always beneficial.
32 In cases where there was no true evidence testimony tended to follow a set pattern.
33 The courts have shown themselves sympathetic in cases where the charge payer does not have the means to pay.
34 In cases where students achieve all objectives satisfactorily, step six provides information for step two of the next related teaching programme.
34 Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
35 The time has come when, in cases of new import, we should decide them according to the reason of the thing.
36 In funerary rites or in cases of houses subject to the intrusions of snakes, this reverse direction is followed by the priest.
37 Witness intimidation in cases involving gangs and drugs has been hampering many criminal prosecutions, the Justice Department report said.
38 It has now been established that in cases where the Gateway has been totally excised, this condition may be extended indefinitely.
39 In cases of race and gender bias, such decrees often have produced quotas and preferential treatment for the aggrieved party.
40 In practice, the preference for alternative remedies makes judicial review of little importance except in cases where there is no alternative.
41 The only exception is in cases of self-defense, which seems unlikely in a confrontation with the pygmy owl.
42 There is a whole range of services and individuals who are available to help out in cases of severe illness.
43 The Head of Department in consultation with the Dean is responsible for recommending appropriate action in cases of suspected cheating or plagiarism by students.
44 In cases such as these, trial courts were clearly operating with an offender-based tariff rather than one that was offence-based.
45 Applications by letter are now generally accepted in cases where no appointment is required.
46 In cases of asphyxia the blood pressure rises to such an extent that the tiny blood vessels in the teeth burst.
47 In cases where appointment out of court is possible this is certainly preferable from the viewpoint of the debentureholders as a body.
48 Assumption of risk is rarely applicable except in cases of competitive athletics.
49 For example, in cases of scarring some plaintiffs are much distressed by their scars, while others are largely unperturbed.
50 Sessions said information he receives from reference checks has helped enormously in cases he has filed against employers.
51 The law limits work in underground mines to eight hours per day, except in cases of emergency.
52 We pulled back in cases like that if possible and let artillery, gunships, or even jets hit the area.
53 And revisions to the legal system to deal with the increase in cases means they will be able to prosecute more people.
54 Surgery was performed in cases of persistent high grade dysplasia, or carcinoma.
55 In cases of serious doubt, there are a variety of techniques for assessing employees' reactions.
56 Histological examination showed typical inflammatory fibroid polyps, identical to those seen previously in cases 1, 2, and 3.
57 The same is true in cases where coins have ceased to be legal tender because of a change of political regime.
58 What constitutional considerations apply in cases of libel or slander?
59 Government grants were available in cases where rail would keep lorries off roads regarded as sensitive.
60 Electrophysiological studies may be of help in cases where neither sweat test nor DNA analysis were conclusive.
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